According to China's Cosmetic Regulation, from January 01, 2023, the safety information or submission code of each raw material of a cosmetic product registered or notified in China must be submitted or uploaded to the NMPA portal. Previously, this was only required for high-risk raw materials such as preservatives, UV filters, whitening raw materials, etc.
The safety information of raw material includes confidential information about the manufacturing process such as derivation, the exact percentages of each component, etc. The manufacturer or a company authorized by the manufacturer may apply for the submission codes for the raw materials on the Cosmetic Ingredient Submission Platform. The submission code is generated automatically after all required information has been entered or uploaded. The code consists of 14 digits. The first 5 digits identify the manufacturer. The next 6 digits identify the raw material, and the last 3 digits make a statement about the quality specification.
Only the competent Chinese authorities have access to the confidential information entered on the portal. The public can only see general information about the raw material, such as the trade name, the manufacturer and the corresponding submission code.
By applying for the submission code, the manufacturer or supplier of the raw material can protect the confidential information about the raw material and, by applying once, save the time spent on repeatedly filling in forms such as Safety Information Annex 14, which would be necessary for each new use of the raw material.
The following information is required for the application of a submission code:
- Legalized trade register,
- raw material about trade name,
- general information (physical and chemical),
- brief summary of the manufacturing process, etc.
The information provided by the manufacturer/supplier of the raw material must be precise and correct, as the information may/cannot be changed.
We are happy to help you apply for the submission codes for your raw materials in China.